The Incredible Edible Town

Todmorden, England is a town of about 15,000 in West Yorkshire. Led by a group of working-class residents, Todmorden has confronted the converging issues of climate change, peak oil and food insecurity to create a local food revolution. Residents have re-imagined their relationship to the town’s public space by filling all available land with edible gardens. The barriers dividing public and private space have dissolved, leading to a uniquely “common” relationship to the land and the food grown within. In addition to boosting the local economy and driving a newly thriving tourism industry, the shifting perception of food and space has fostered a stronger, more resilient community.

Please visit their website or view this short film to learn more.

To connect with locals interested in this concept as well as other approaches to community building, food systems and local resilience, please drop by the next Transition Town Root Cellar/Greenhouse gathering at 4pm in the Trinity United Method Church on Thursday April 26th.

Hope to see you there!

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